Brady and Gronk Had a MOMENT Right After the Game

There aren’t many moments that can follow a satisfying, dramatic, pulse-pounding, prime time win in the NFL’s Game of the Year. Sure, the a Red Sox playoff win is one, for sure. But I don’t know if even that can compete with the raw, unfiltered emotion of Tom Brady telling Rob Gronkowski “You kidding me? We’re gonna play forever!” That’s the “I love you” whispered softly in your ear during the post-sex snuggle that just fills your heart with joy.

Although I suspect it must be poison in the ears of the millions who’ve been biding their time waiting for Brady and Gronk to go away. The people who hate Brady for being a pretty boy and his fancy-pants mattress commercials. For the Fun Police who hate when Gronk has harmless fun in a nightclub that somehow doesn’t meet with their approval. Not to mention the other 31 fanbases who’ve been marking off the days of their careers like a prison sentence. One that keeps going and going and going. I mean, remember how miserable Brady was supposed to be and Gronk was supposedly going to go join the WWE? Where is all that talk now that they’re planning their future together? A future with no end in sight?

This has got to be worst nightmare of the sad wretches who @ me to say “Someday Brady and Belichick will be gone and then the Patriots will suck like they did for 40 years and then you’ll get what’s coming to you.” I probably first heard that around 2004. And all it does is just help with my refractory period so I can get up and ready for the next victory. The next celebration. The next round of mournful cries of the people begging for the winning to stop. And the next confirmation it won’t. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. It’s aged bourbon for my soul.

So keep wishing, haters. In the words of the late, great Prince, forever is a mighty long time.

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